Python in SD

Embedding Python directly in the SD application.

SD uses the python c/api to embed python in the SD application. Basic function SDEXT is used to pass / access data from the python interpreter and execute c/api functions.

The following programs found in GPL.BP provide the BASIC interface to the python interpreter.

  • PY_INITIALIZE calls api function Py_Initialize() - start the python interpreter

  • PY_FINALIZE calls api function Py_FinalizeEx() - stop the python interpreter

  • PY_RUNSTRING calls api function PyRun_String() - run a python script from string

  • PY_RUNFILE calls api function PyRun_File() - run a python script from file

  • PY_GETATTR calls api function PyMapping_GetItemString() - access the value of a python object.

  • remember strings are UTF-8 in python and must be converted to bytes (decode in encode out) good reference here:

Compile then run the python test program BP PY_TEST

You should see:

embedded python test, hit <enter> to start?
attempt init
status = 0
script text:
FMRK   = chr(254)
VMRKM  = chr(253)
SVMRK  = chr(252)
result = ""
countdown = {"3" : "Three", "2" : "Two", "1" : "One", "0" : "Ignition!"}
for count in countdown:
  result += count + " " + countdown[count] + FMRK
result = bytes(result, 'latin')
attempt to run script:
status = 0
attempt to access python object: result
status = 0
3 Three�2 Two�1 One�0 Ignition!�
3 Three
2 Two
1 One
0 Ignition!

attempt to access python object: countdown
status = 0
{'3': 'Three', '2': 'Two', '1': 'One', '0': 'Ignition!'}
attempt to access nonexistent python object: dummy
status = 12007
dummy not found