APIsrvr (was vbsrvr)¶
SDCLIENT Command processor ../sdsys/GPL.BP/APISRVR
Started with -Q command line option, which sets is_sdApiSrvr = TRUE in kernel In linuxio.c start_Connection change the default command processor to APISRVR via strcpy(command_processor, “$APISRVR”)
Login Process: Network Login (API Connect()):
Extract username and password sent by client
- Note if config APILOGIN = 0 (ignor) */
We pull username, user id and group id from peer in start_connection.
If these are populated, we ignore the passed user name (either came in as a local user using the API
or as a remote user using ssh and the API). Either way we have already gone through username and password
if config APILOGIN = 1 (require)
require valid username and password from api connection
Call login(username,password) source (gplsrc/op_kernel.c) op_login
op_login calls (gplsrc/linuxio.c) login_user
login_user validates username and password against /etc/shadow
uses setgid / setuid to set group id / user id of process
if not valid linux user then
reject this connection
Local login (API ConnectLocal()):
This connection is made via pipes. The API FORKS the process then uses execl (function replaces the currently running process with another process) to replace the child process with qm/sd process passing the pipes for Tx and Rx. Process will have group and user id of process using API.
Communicates with Client via READPKT and WRITEPKT (both BCOMP internal mode functions)
op code for:
READPKT - OP.READPKT /gplsc/op_tio.c op_readpkt() - Read QMClient data packet
gplsrc\linuxio.c read_socket
gplsrc\linuxio.c keyin
gplsrc\linuxio.c do_input() -> c std function read() from fd 0
WRITEPKT - OP.WRITEPKT /gplsc/op_tio.c op_writepkt() - Write QMClient data packet
write_socket() - Write to socket / pipe
to_outbuf() - Copy data to socket output buffer
gplsrc\linuxio.c flush_outbuf() - Flush socket output buffer
gplsrc\linuxio.c write_console -> c std function write to fd 1